Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Recipe: Ann's Banana Smoothie

I meant to post this, oh, a month ago or more.  While this is still delicious, it is more delicious when it is 90 degrees or more outside.  I think I have a month or so before the weather makes this post irrelevant.


Oh, this is so delicious on a hot summer day. The best part? It's actually good for you with no extra sweeteners. Clara and Paul drink this stuff up!

Somehow when banana and milk combine it is sweeter than their sweetness together.  Like 2+2=6 or something.  Am I talking crazy?

The amounts are not hard-and-fast, add more or less milk and ice to suit you.

2 Bananas, peeled (obviously) and broken in pieces
A handful of ice cubes
Enough milk to cover banana pieces and ice (1 cup?)

Put ingredients in blender (I use my immersion blender as in the picture below); blend to taste.  Makes 2-3 servings. Yum!

We first drank this recipe (or a slight variation there of) at Pat's sister Ann's house, hence "Ann's Banana Smoothie."  Her house doesn't have A/C, so she is an expert in alternative ways to feel refreshed!


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