Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 39 Update

By the time you read this post, it's very possible Thumper will be here.  As you approach the end of a pregnancy things can move very quickly.  Let me recap for you the past week:

Last Wednesday, Week 38: My doctor recommended having an ultrasound to make sure about the baby's position, the baby's size, my amniotic fluid levels, and whatever else he needed to check.  He didn't want to wait until my next appointment (a week), so he scheduled my ultrasound for Monday.

Monday, Week 39: We had our second ultrasound of this pregnancy, and got to see a much larger Baby Thumper.  The ultrasound tech measured Thumper and estimated a weight of 7 pounds, 1 ounce already.  Also she showed us a significant amount of hair on the baby's head.  The most revealing thing about the ultrasound was the baby's position: sideways.  Yup.  Sideways.  This is a problem.

My doctor said that he would like to do a procedure called a 'version' that actually turns the baby into the correct 'head-down' position.  Then he will go ahead and induce labor.  Here is a video of what a 'version' will probably look like.  He said that I am a perfect candidate for this procedure: second child, no complications, plenty of fluid, small enough baby.  That's good news.

Tuesday, Week 39:  A random lady in the Walmart parking lot started talking to me like I'm her long-lost best friend.  During the course of our conversation, she recommended kneeling on all fours for some amount of time to give the baby a chance at moving without the doctor's intervention.  I tried it that evening - we'll see.

Wednesday, Week 39: Pat and I are all packed for tomorrow.  Car seat in the car.  Plans for Clara's care made.  My appointment is at 7 am, but I have to be at the hospital by 5:30 (which means we need to leave by 3:30).  Since Monday I've had two nights of restless sleep.  This morning I got up at 3:00 because I couldn't sleep anymore, so I'm not dreading the early morning.  Pat wakes up at that time most every morning, so it shouldn't be a big deal for him either.

The truth is, I'm really nervous about this labor - more the induction than the version, and more than I remember for Clara's, honestly.  I truly hope that the Thumper has turned him/herself and Pat and I can go back home, although I suspect things won't be that simple.  I think about how Clara went to 41 weeks and was then induced; I want to give this baby the same chance.  I don't want the baby to come too soon.  It's possible I'm so nervous because I don't feel ready.  I went from thinking I had at least another week to a couple days!  I'm still getting Clara's "Big Sister Room" ready!  So much for getting that done ahead of time.  The other thing that I've been hoping with this pregnancy, on a selfish note, is the experience of going into labor naturally instead of artificially (although I'm sure the frantic car ride to Birmingham would not be that fun).

So now you're up to speed.  It's very possible my next post will have a baby picture or two!  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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