Friday, November 11, 2011

False Alarm

Wow.  Sometimes you pray for things and they really come true.  Like this baby - Thumper turned all by him (her) self!  Sweet!

In my last post, I mentioned how nervous I was about having the baby come already.  I honestly felt much better when I woke up (at 3:00am) the morning of.  But I still wanted to give the baby more time.

Pat and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30am and checked in.  The nurse said they would first put me in a 'recovery room' and then move me to the normal birthing suite after they did the version procedure.  The recovery room was a shared room, but I never saw the other lady.  Side story: Anonymous prego next door was going to have a C-section and had almost 20 different people visiting her - at 6 am, before she even had the baby!  Nuts!  Anyway, back to me: the nurse strapped a baby heart rate and contraction monitor to my tummy, then she did an ultrasound.  Lo-and-behold: the babe was head down! 

My doctor came in a few minutes before the procedure was scheduled and gave me an exam.  Indeed the baby was head down but had not dropped down enough where he thought labor would be imminent.  He probably would have gone ahead and induced labor, but Pat and I told him we would like to wait at least a week more to see if Thumper came naturally.  My doctor thought that was fine - a little more time was probably good for both me and baby.  Yes!! 

So baby will come November 16 unless Thumper has earlier plans. 

Since we didn't have a false alarm with Clara, I guess we had one with Thumper II.  At least it got my bag packed.  Now I'm feeling ready.

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