Monday, July 25, 2011

Hypothetical Parenting Quiz: Question 1

Suppose you are a parent and are confronted with this situation:

You are leaving a store headed to your car when your daughter sees a piece of trash in a parking lot (a candy wrapper).  She picks it up and tries to hand it to you.  What is your response?  (There is no trash can nearby.)

A)  Tell her to put it down; it's dirty.
B)  Take it; throw it away later.
C)  Tell her "you keep it" and allow her to play with it.

Okay, so this happened to me a few days ago.  Clara found a skittles wrapper as we were trying to leave Subway.  Since I didn't act quickly enough to stop her from picking it up in the first place, what did I do?  My answer: B.  I really wanted to tell her to put it down, because I didn't want the trash, but I thought, "Would this be saying it's okay to litter?  Would this be teaching a bad habit?"  So I took it from her and said, "Mommy will throw this away when we get home."  And that's exactly what I did.

So did I do the right thing?  Have you been in this situation before?  What would you do?  Honestly.  This struck me as an interesting parenting situation (although thankfully a relatively harmless one).

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