Sunday, June 1, 2014

Growing: Hays update

What has been going on since I last posted?  Well I can happily say we have been enjoying Hays' many laughs and smiles.  Hays may be my best baby yet - he's a good sleeper, he enjoys people-watching, and he smiles all the time.  He's been called "Happy Hays" more than once around our house.

Of course, he's a healthy eater, too.  In fact, Hays at four months is larger than Clara and Paul were at six months.  Longer and heavier.  Whoa.  He was 19.9 pounds on his four-month birthday.  I'm sure he's well over 20 pounds by now.

He is trying to gnaw on anything he can get his hands on.  Literally.  There's a bottom tooth that I know will pop through almost any day now.

Still working on rolling over.  He's trying pretty hard and has done it a handful of times, but not repetitively, so I wouldn't say we've crossed that milestone off the list.

Hays enjoys putting weight on his legs, which besides just holding him (and I just told you that he is HEAVY) means he spends time in the Johnny Jump-Up and Exersaucer.  Thank goodness!

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